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Mental Health Matters

Simplifying Daily Assessments for Psychiatric Patients

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Project Overview

MentalMe is a platform for medical-psychiatric assessment. Through it, the patient realizes constant assessments, and the doctor monitors the results, obtaining greater accuracy in diagnosis and following the treatment improvement through the evolution charts. With this platform, the doctors are able to make better decisions, seeking a more complete and faster recovery.


Lead Designer



User Testing

Visual Design

Mobile & Desktop


Since we had psychiatry experts working with the development team, the kickoff for the project was an Expert Interview meeting. They could share all their insights about the project, the problems they face, and the patients’ problems. After that, all the team members were on the same page.


The following step was to investigate more deeply the target audience of the project. We conducted semi-structured user interviews to find out more about their pains, needs, and expectations.


This process conducted us to a central problem: The difficulty of having a clear vision of the psychiatric condition and progress of the patient’s treatment over time.

The central problem

In order to have a clear view of the progress of the patient's condition, disciplined follow-up is necessary. But often, patients do not commit to performing the assessments regularly, especially in an analogous way.


This makes treatment difficult as it makes decisions less accurate. Physicians already have the difficulty of reconciling humanized care with a data-based approach. When this data is scarce or non-existent, this becomes even more difficult.


And it also ends up generating many dropouts when patients do not see a quick improvement or are not clear about the return that the treatment is generating.

Sketching & Testing

As professionals were already using existing - although ineffective - tools for medical follow-up, our usability studies were straightforward in developing the final product.


To define the application structure and usage streams of its key features, we started working on the interface, mocking the architecture and drawing the first sketches.


Then we created the first wireframe prototypes and started testing with different users, collecting their feedback, adjusting usage flows, and adding features and features that we began to see in high demand. It was a very iterative process - starting with sketches, developing wireframes, performing user tests, and step-by-step getting to the final solution.


One of the outputs of iterations with the users was the chat feature. When we started to test the tool, many users brought the need to have a quick communication channel for questions and simple conversations. Therefore, we introduced the chat, which was very well received by both doctors and patients.


Final product

MentalMe is a platform to help Doctors and Patients follow up on psychiatric treatments, providing greater assertiveness in medical choices and assisting patients to achieve better results.

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For the patient

A mobile app so that patients could carry out periodic assessments and track their results

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For the doctor


A platform for the doctor to access the results, graphs, and assessments of patients, achieving greater accuracy in proposing treatments.

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With the app, the patient gains more convenience to take the assessments on their smartphone. In addition to sending notifications and reminding the patient to respond on time, the intuitive interface and straightforward questions make the exam simpler and more practical, increasing engagement.



Gamification was introduced to generate more engagement. When the patient starts the treatment, the app shows a small plant beginning to grow. As the patient responds actively and on the correct dates, his plant grows and becomes a beautiful tree.


The idea was to test the impact of this type of action and eventually expand the forms of gamification in the app, making it more attractive and increasing engagement even more.

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The patient also has access to their results through the app, seeing the response history and the graphs of their treatment improvements.

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Empowering doctors

We created the MentalMe doctor's platform, offering greater visibility to all their patients and the clinic.


The general dashboard shows information about their clinics, such as appointment history, active patients, and exams in progress. On the patient's dashboard, they can track exam results, diagnoses, and conversations. Thus, we leverage their work so they can achieve even better results and help their patients have a healthy life.


Design System

We built a robust design system with reusable components and aesthetic features that would reinforce the MentalMe brand through the interface of their products. We’ve got the versatility to suit products that are different enough to adapt to different target users and sufficiently similar to preserve the brand identity.



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Font sizes

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Filled icons

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Outlined icons

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Cards & mobile components

Input fields

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Over the last year, MentalMe achieved great results.

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20+ clinics

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400+ active users

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7,500+ exams

MentalMe is still at the beginning of its journey, but more and more users are joining the platform and realizing the advantages of following treatments through it. Being part of its history makes me very proud, as it causes tremendous impacts and transforms lives. 

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